Sunday, October 28, 2007

Who's brilliant idea was this?

The weather was a real challenge on our way to Reedville, VA. It poured the 44 miles from Solomon's to Reedville. We have been here for two days. We can't be in too big of a rush. The weather will dictate our travels. It's a crisp clear day here behind Sandy Point in Reedville.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


We are presently anchored in Town Creek in Oxford, MD. The wind is pretty hefty. We will depart early tomorrow morning (Wedenesday, 10/24) for Solomons. The wind (as per NOAA) will be out of the north. This will be fine since we're heading south. The sun is out, our wind generator is making electricity, we're stocked up to the gills. Life is good! Fran and John Morrison are also heading south. We will be travelling with them. Our adventure begins!

Two Days to Go!

We’re two days away from our departure day. Oh, the anticipation! We have packed every nook and cranny of the Deborah Lee with things that we "think" we’ll need, and food. You know how waiting can be. And we hear that the weather will bring the area much needed rain. At least we don’t have to leave in snow. We can handle the rain! Wind and Thunder is another matter. We would probably have to wait that out! I have things on this boat that I haven’t figured out where to put. It’ll come to me, I’m sure. Hey, we could eat that whole bag of chips so I can use that space to put some extra wash cloths I brought. Or, please help me drink this whole box of wine (yes, I did say BOX of wine). I need that space for my hair dryer and curling iron. Oh, the sacrifices we mortals make to wander about the world seeking adventure.