Saturday, March 21, 2009


It's finally Spring and the itch to get back to sailing needs to be scratched. The engine on the Deborah Lee, a Yanmar 3GM30, has had some major work done to it. We're looking forward to trying it out as soon as we can get her back in the water. The bottom is getting painted and zincs replaced. We have interior painting to do along with some bright work. Some of our friends we met on our "southern" trip (First Edition and Celebrian) have made it down to the Dominican Republic and we have been following their blog. What an adventure they are on!. We're glad they are having a grand time and we truly wish we were along. We'll be able to reconnect with them in Solomons this summer. We're anxious to here all of their tales of adventure. One of the wonderful experiences of taking longs trips as we did in 2007 and 2008 is meeting and keeping great friends. They are a wonderful community of folks. We're grateful.
We're hoping to get up to Maine this summer. And, of course, enjoy the bounty of the Chesapeake Bay. Fair winds and good health to all!