Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas in Green Turtle Cay


We made it to Green Curtle Cay, Abacos, Bahamas on Saturday, December 22nd. It took us a couple of days to get here after leaving Florida. But, we made it in time for Christmas. The boaters here are a very friendly and personable group. We all have one important thing in common. We all are living on our boats. As one person put it, "Our home is at the end of a string in the water."On Christmas Day, there
was a pot-luck dinner for the cruisers. It was alot of fun. We did miss our family and friends, though. Happy New Year Everybody!
P.S. If you click on a picture, you can enlarge it.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Sorry we haven't updated things on the blog for awhile. As you can see, the blog's look is different and you'll be able to see more pictures. We spent the last 15 days in Lake Worth (North Palm Beach) waiting for the right weather window. We had a few mayby's. But, not good enough to go out through the gulf stream. We have a good window tomorrow. Hopefully, the next blog will be from Green Turtle Key in the Abacos.

"Anchoring in Lake Worth"

Although it was a long stay, we did meet some wonderful folks and made new lifetime friends. The boats we spent a few "happy hours" with were Cautauqua, of course, Salty Dog from Tennessee, Windspead from Canada, Kilissa from Solomons, MD, and a few more. We were able to get groceries, water, fuel, all walking distance from a dinghy area. We even had the chance to take a bus to do laundry, and also to sign up at the customs office. This means we only have to call customs when we return instead of having to find a customs office to check in.

We are really anxious to get going. We got down to Florida in such a good time. And we have been waiting to get over. We are really enjoying the wonderful weather of Florida. It has been pleasantly warm.

"Wash Day"

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Last stop before Bahamas

I haven't been able to get onto the internet very much for the past 10 days. And we have covered quite a bit of territory. We spent a couple of wonderful days in St. Augustine. What a sensational place. The historical flavor of all of the buildings is so apparent. It was magnificent. An anchorage for a night, each, in Daytona Beach, Titusville, and Melbourne lead us to Vero Beach. This was an adventure. Vero Beach has a free (donations accepted) bus system. You can ride the bus all day. It'll take you to every store you can think of.(Walmart, Sams, Target, a mall, Home Depot, etc) You can also take it to the Beach. We stocked up on all of those things that we think we're going to need before heading over to the Bahamas. Our niece, Kim Hemphill, drove up from Jensen Beach and had lunch with us one afternoon. She braved the dinghy ride from the dock out to see our boat. It was wonderful to see her. Tomorrow, Dec 5, we will head down to Lake Worth. A couple of days there and hopefully a window of good weather for crossing will bless us and we will head over to the Bahamas. Hooray! I'm surprised we got here so fast. We thought it would take us longer. The weather was good and did not delay us very much. It has gotten up into the 80's in Florida and we are really appreciating it. We love you all and miss you.

Vero Beach